前回の記事Raspberry Piで温度と湿度を取得する!HDC1000用のプログラムつき!でラズパイから温度データを取得できるようになりました。
- MySQLに温度データを登録できるようにする。
- 定期的に温度取得用のプログラムを実行してMySLQLにデータを登録する。
オプションはデバック用に色々作って見ました。ここでは “-add”がMySQLにデータを登録しています。
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#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <time.h> #include "MySqlInterface.hpp" #include "i2cHdc1000.hpp" enum OPERATION { NONE, ALLHISTORY, SPECIFICPERIOD }; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { // current time time_t now = time(NULL); struct tm *pnow = localtime(&now); char strDateNow[16]; char strTimeNow[16]; sprintf(strDateNow, "%04d-%02d-%02d", pnow->tm_year+1900, pnow->tm_mon+1, pnow->tm_mday); sprintf(strTimeNow, "%02d:%02d:%02d", pnow->tm_hour, pnow->tm_min, pnow->tm_sec); // for query period char strDayStart[32] = ""; char strDayEnd[32] = ""; char strTimeStart[32] = ""; char strTimeEnd[32] = ""; // initialization of classes and operation Hdc1000 hdc1000; MySqlInterface mySql; OPERATION operation = NONE; // mode confirmation for(int i = 1; i < argc; i++) { // Show current data if(strcmp("-showcurrent", argv[i]) == 0) { printf("%s %s %4.2f %4.2f\n", strDateNow, strTimeNow, hdc1000.GetTemperature(), hdc1000.GetHumidity()); return 0; } // Register in MySQL DB else if(strcmp("-add", argv[i]) == 0) { if(mySql.Connect()) exit(-1); mySql.Register(strDateNow, strTimeNow, hdc1000.GetTemperature(), hdc1000.GetHumidity()); mySql.Close(); return 0;; } else if(strcmp("-allhistory", argv[i]) == 0) { operation = ALLHISTORY; break; } else if(strcmp("-period", argv[i]) == 0) { operation = SPECIFICPERIOD; } else if(strcmp("-startday", argv[i]) == 0) { strcpy(strDayStart, argv[i+1]); } else if(strcmp("-endday", argv[i]) == 0) { strcpy(strDayEnd, argv[i+1]); } else if(strcmp("-starttime", argv[i]) == 0) { strcpy(strTimeStart, argv[i+1]); } else if(strcmp("-endtime", argv[i]) == 0) { strcpy(strTimeEnd, argv[i+1]); } } // Operations switch(operation) { //Show All history. Should be avoided.. case ALLHISTORY: if(mySql.Connect()) exit(-1); mySql.History(); mySql.Close(); break; case SPECIFICPERIOD: if(mySql.Connect()) exit(-1); mySql.History(strDayStart, strTimeStart, strDayEnd, strTimeEnd); mySql.Close(); break; case NONE: printf("no valid argument\n"); break; } return 0; } |
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#ifndef MYSQL_H #define MYSQL_H #include <mysql/mysql.h> #define SQL_SERV "localhost" #define SQL_USER "Your_MySQL_User_Name" #define SQL_PSWD "Your_MySQL_User_Password" #define SQL_DB "Your_MySQL_DB_Name" #define SQL_TBL "Your_MySQL_DB_Table_Name" class MySqlInterface { public: MySqlInterface(); virtual ~MySqlInterface(); int Connect(); int Close(void); int Register(char *date, char *time, float temperature, float humidity); int Query(char *sql_str); int History(); int History(char *day_start, char *day_end); int History(char *day_start, char *time_start, char *day_end, char *time_end); public: MYSQL *con; MYSQL_RES *resp; MYSQL_ROW row; }; #endif |
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#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "MySqlInterface.hpp" MySqlInterface::MySqlInterface() { con = mysql_init(NULL); } int MySqlInterface::Connect(void) { if(!mysql_real_connect(con, SQL_SERV, SQL_USER, SQL_PSWD, SQL_DB, 0, NULL, 0)) { printf("SQL initialization is failed\n"); return -1; } return 0; } int MySqlInterface::Close() { mysql_close(con); return 0; } int MySqlInterface::Register( char *date, char *time, float temperature, float humidity) { char sqlStr[256]; sprintf(sqlStr, "INSERT INTO %s VALUES(\'%s\', \'%s\', %4.2f, %4.2f)", SQL_TBL, date, time, temperature, humidity); if(mysql_query(con, sqlStr)){ mysql_close(con); printf("failed to register\n"); return -1; } return 0; } int MySqlInterface::Query(char *sqlStr) { if(mysql_query(con, sqlStr)){ mysql_close(con); return -1; } resp = mysql_use_result(con); while((row = mysql_fetch_row(resp)) != NULL){ printf("%s %s Temp:%s Humi:%s\n", row[0], row[1], row[2], row[3]); } return 0; } int MySqlInterface::History() { char sqlStr[256]; sprintf(sqlStr, "select * from %s", SQL_TBL); Query(sqlStr); return 0; } int MySqlInterface::History(char *day_start, char *day_end) { char sqlStr[256]; sprintf(sqlStr, "select * from %s where DATE>=\'%s\' and DATE<=\'%s\'", SQL_TBL, day_start, day_end); Query(sqlStr); return 0; } int MySqlInterface::History( char *day_start, char *time_start, char *day_end, char *time_end) { char sqlStr[256]; char sqlStrTmp[128]; bool found = false; sprintf(sqlStr, "select * from %s", SQL_TBL); // null check and put format when found if(strcmp(day_start, "") != 0) { sprintf(sqlStrTmp, "DATE>=\'%s\'", day_start); sprintf(sqlStr, "%s where %s", sqlStr, sqlStrTmp); found = true; } if(strcmp(day_end, "") != 0) { sprintf(sqlStrTmp, "DATE<=\'%s\'", day_end); if(!found) sprintf(sqlStr, "%s where %s", sqlStr, sqlStrTmp); else sprintf(sqlStr, "%s and %s", sqlStr, sqlStrTmp); found = true; } if(strcmp(time_start, "") != 0) { sprintf(sqlStrTmp, "TIME>=\'%s\'", time_start); if(!found) sprintf(sqlStr, "%s where %s", sqlStr, sqlStrTmp); else sprintf(sqlStr, "%s and %s", sqlStr, sqlStrTmp); found = true; } if(strcmp(time_end, "") != 0) { sprintf(sqlStrTmp, "TIME<=\'%s\'", time_end); if(!found) sprintf(sqlStr, "%s where %s", sqlStr, sqlStrTmp); else sprintf(sqlStr, "%s and %s", sqlStr, sqlStrTmp); found = true; } printf("sql %s\n", sqlStr); Query(sqlStr); return 0; } MySqlInterface::~MySqlInterface() { } |
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#ifndef HDC1000_H #define HDC1000_H /* HDC1000 register map Pointer Name Reset Description value 0x00 Temperature 0x0000 Temperature measurement output 0x01 Humidity 0x0000 Relative Humidity measurement output 0x02 Configuration 0x1000 HDC1000 configuration and status 0xFB Serial ID device dependent First 2 bytes of the serial ID of the part 0xFC Serial ID device dependent Mid 2 bytes of the serial ID of the part 0xFD Serial ID device dependent Last byte bit of the serial ID of the part 0xFE Manufacturer ID 0x5449 ID of Texas Instruments 0xFF Device ID 0x1000 ID of HDC1000 device */ #define HDC1000_I2C_ADDRESS 0x40 #define HDC1000_TEMPERATURE 0x00 #define HDC1000_HUMIDITY 0x01 #define HDC1000_CONFIGURATION 0x02 #define HDC1000_SERIAL_ID_1 0xFB #define HDC1000_SERIAL_ID_2 0xFC #define HDC1000_SERIAL_ID_3 0xFD #define HDC1000_MANUFACTURER_ID 0xFE #define HDC1000_DEVICE_ID 0xFF #define HDC1000_CONFIG_RST 0x80 #define HDC1000_CONFIG_HEAT 0x20 #define HDC1000_CONFIG_MODE 0x10 #define HDC1000_CONFIG_BTST 0x08 #define HDC1000_CONFIG_TRES 0x04 #define HDC1000_CONFIG_HRES_11 0x02 #define HDC1000_CONFIG_HRES_01 0x01 #define HDC1000_CONFIG_RSV 0x00 #define HDC1000_RDY_PIN 0x4 class Hdc1000 { public: Hdc1000(); virtual ~Hdc1000(); float GetTemperature(); float GetHumidity(); private: float temperature; float humidity; int fd; int SetRegister(unsigned char reg); int GetMeasuredData(); }; #endif |
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#include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <wiringPi.h> #include <wiringPiI2C.h> #include "i2cHdc1000.hpp" Hdc1000::Hdc1000() : temperature(0.0), humidity(0.0) { // To call GPIO without re-mapping wiringPiSetupGpio(); // Set Pin dedicating for ready Input pinMode(HDC1000_RDY_PIN, INPUT); // Get File handle descriptor fd = wiringPiI2CSetup(HDC1000_I2C_ADDRESS); } float Hdc1000::GetTemperature() { // Set target register and get measured data after it is ready SetRegister(HDC1000_TEMPERATURE); temperature = (float)GetMeasuredData(); //Convert from HDC1000 specification temperature = temperature / 65536.0 * 165.0 - 40.0; return temperature; } float Hdc1000::GetHumidity() { // Set target register and get measured data after it is ready SetRegister(HDC1000_HUMIDITY); humidity = (float)GetMeasuredData(); //Convert from HDC1000 specification humidity = humidity / 65536.0 * 100.0; return humidity; } int Hdc1000::GetMeasuredData() { unsigned char buff[2]; // Wait until the device is ready while(digitalRead(HDC1000_RDY_PIN) == HIGH); //Read from file descriptor read(fd, buff, sizeof(unsigned char) * 2); return (buff[0] << 8) | buff[1]; } int Hdc1000::SetRegister(unsigned char reg) { return wiringPiI2CWrite(fd, reg); } Hdc1000::~Hdc1000() { } |
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OBJS = MySqlInterface.o i2cHdc1000.o main.o TARGET = hdc1000WithSql CC = g++ CFLAGS = -Wall -lmysqlclient -L/usr/lib64/mysql -lwiringPi .SUFFIXES: .cpp .c .o $(TARGET): $(OBJS) $(CC) $(OBJS) -o $(TARGET) $(CFLAGS) .c.o: $< $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $< .cpp.o: $< $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $< clean: rm -f $(OBJS) $(TARGET) |
そもそもcronですが、unixやLinuxなどでcron daemonを使いバックグラウンドで一定間隔で自動的に実行されることを許されているタスクです
Crontab(CRON TABle)はcronタスクを持つファイルで、このファイルに記載することでcronタスクは実行されます。
cronタスク(job / schedule)には設定、日付、時間を設定できます。
crontab -e crontabファイルを編集します。
crontab -l cronタスクを確認できます。
crontab -r cronのファイルを削除します。
crontab -e
* * * * * command to be executed
– – – – –
| | | | |
| | | | +—– day of week (0 – 6) (Sunday=0)
| | | +——- month (1 – 12)
| | +——— day of month (1 – 31)
| +———– hour (0 – 23)
+————- min (0 – 59)
毎時間ごとに実行したいのでminのフィールドに00を設定しています。引数 “-add”で SQLに登録する設定です。
00 * * * * /usr/local/bin/hdc1000WithSql -add